Writing Descriptive Texts Ability of Tenth-Grade Students SMA Kristen Kanaan Banjarmasin

  • STELLA MONICA Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • JUMARIATI JUMARIATI Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • CAYANDRAWATI SUTIONO Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Ability, basic English skills, descriptive text, writing.


Writing is a language production skill which is pivot and complicated to learn thoroughly, especially for sophomore EFL learners. Hence, this study was origanized to describe and investigate the capability of sophomore EFL learners of Higher Secondary School Kristen Kanaan Banjarmasin in descriptive text composing . This study was organized by implimenting qualitativeapproach while the study design was descriptive. The study population was the sophomore of Higher Secondary School Kriten Kanaan Banjarmasin where 29 EFL learners from class X MIA were choosen as sample. In obtaining the data, the analyst implemented writing test as the study instrument. According to the test result, it could be discerned that the capability of sophomore EFL learners of Higher Secondary School Kristen Kanaan Banjarmasin in descriptive text composing  was in fair category. It revealed that most EFL learners were unable to elaborate their paragraph and develop the topic adequately.

How to Cite
MONICA, S., JUMARIATI, J., & SUTIONO, C. (2024). Writing Descriptive Texts Ability of Tenth-Grade Students SMA Kristen Kanaan Banjarmasin. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 4(2), 93 - 106. Retrieved from