Efektivitas Umpan Buatan untuk Mengendalikan Lalat Buah (Bactrocera spp.) pada Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annum) di Daerah Pondok Mangga Banjarbaru Utara

  • Salasiah . Agroekoteknologi ULM
  • Elly Liestiany Proteksi Tanaman ULM
  • Muhammad Indar Pramudi Proteksi Tanaman ULM
Keywords: Bactrocera spp., Red Chili, and foodlure


The intensity of fruit fly pest attacks in South Kalimantan in 2015 and 2016 showed an average intensity of attacks as much
as 66.7%, to determine the abundance of the population and interest in fruit flies in the Pondok Mangga area, North
Loktabat Village, Banjarbaru Utara District, Banjarbaru against artificial bait ( foodlure) cucumber, watermelon, guava and
starfruit on large red chili plants so research needs to be done, using one factor RAL (six treatments and four replications).
The highest number of fruit flies and the most effective in traps with the treatment of methyl eugenol anthrax as many as
1463 tails. Then in the treatment of feeds made of watermelon and cucumber as many as 40 and 16 consecutive. Where the
fruit fly species trapped yaittu Bactrocera dorsalis, B. carambolae, B. cucurbitae and B. umbrosa with a low diversity
index including 0.30254.

How to Cite
., S., Liestiany, E., & Indar Pramudi, M. (2019). Efektivitas Umpan Buatan untuk Mengendalikan Lalat Buah (Bactrocera spp.) pada Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annum) di Daerah Pondok Mangga Banjarbaru Utara. JURNAL PROTEKSI TANAMAN TROPIKA, 1(3), 40-44. Retrieved from