Penambahan Konsentrat dan Jamu Ternak Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sapi Bali Dara Pra Sapih

  • Siska Fitriyanti Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Terpadu
  • Askalani Askalani Balai Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Terpadu
  • Surya Nur Rahmatullah Universitas Mulawarman
Keywords: Body weight gain, Bali heifer, Concentrate feed, Cattle herb


The research was conducted in the Institute for Assessment and Development of
Integrated Farming (BP3T) in Tambang Ulang. The aim of research was to study the use of
supplemental feed (concentrate) based on corn by product in increasing the performance Bali
heifer. Fourteen Bali heifer were divided into two groups, those were group A (feeding forage,
concentrate, and cattle herbs) and group B (feeding forage and concentrate). The averages
weight gain during the 81 days were 0.49 and 0.27 kg/head/day respectively for treatments A and
B, while feed consumption and feed conversion of each treatment were 19.29 kg/head/day and
8.36 for A and 19.29 kg/head/day and 16.04 for B, respectively. In conclusion, herb cattle
supplementation could increase Bali heifer weight gain better than fed concentrate only

How to Cite
Fitriyanti, S., Askalani, A., & Rahmatullah, S. (2023). Penambahan Konsentrat dan Jamu Ternak Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sapi Bali Dara Pra Sapih. JURNAL PENELITIAN PETERNAKAN LAHAN BASAH, 2(1), 33-37.