Kualitas Nutrisi dan Uji Daya Cerna Kulit Singkong Hasil Fermentasi Beberapa Inokulan
The objective of this research was to study the effect of fermentation using different inoculans on
the quality of nutrient and digestibility of cassava peels, namely: crude protein (CP), metabolism
energy (ME), dry matter digestibility (DMD), and retention of nitrogen of male Alabio duck on 8
weeks of age. This research used completely randomized design with four treatments and five
replications. Treatment of this research was difference of inoculans as fermentation starter, i.e.
P0 (non fermented cassava peels as a control), P1 (fermentation with EM4 for animal feed), P2
(fermentation with tapai yeast), and P3 (fermentation with Starbio). Results of this research
showed that fermentation was significantly affect on CP and ME (P<0.05), and could increase
DMD and nitrogen retention of cassava peels for male Alabio duck on 8 weeks of age. In
conclusion, fermentation using tapai yeast (P2) is the best inoculant in increasing nutrient quality
of fermented-cassava peels those were 9.36% of CP and 2,790.40 kkal/kg of ME. The best
inoculant for increasing DMD of cassava peels was Starbio (68.27%), whereas tapai yeast was
the best inoculant for increasing nitrogen digestibility (80.53%)
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