The Utilization Of Coordinating Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverbs And Semicolon In Compound Sentences

  • Sari Fatimah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Abdul Muth'im Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Cayandrawati Sutiono Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Conjunctive Adverbs, Coordinating Conjunctions, Semicolon, Writing


Writing is a skill used when one has difficulties with the ideas they have through verbal means. Nowadays, where there are uncountable means to communicate in writing, such as in social media. In Writing, L2 learners must master how to compose sentences, such as simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. This study aims to discover the English Department's capability in implementing coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, and semicolons in sentences with the type of compound. The study used a descriptive quantitative design where the samples are 65 chosen L2 learners from batch 2017. The crucial data was collected through the test and analyzed using the raw score formula from Darmadi. The result showed that their capabilities in implementing coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, and Semicolons in sentences with the type of compound categorized as fair level with an average score of 61.6. The L2 learners had a low capability in implementing coordinating conjunctions with an average score of 58%. Meanwhile, sentences with the type of compound using semicolons are classified as a fair category with an average score of 63%. However, in implementing conjunctive adverbs categorized as very low, the average score was 44%, which is the lowest category among the other two.


How to Cite
Fatimah, S., Muth’im, A., & Sutiono, C. (2020). The Utilization Of Coordinating Conjunctions, Conjunctive Adverbs And Semicolon In Compound Sentences. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 2(3), 196-210. Retrieved from