• Ellya Arrumaisa
  • Asmi Rusmanayanti
  • Elvina Arapah
  • Fatchul Mu'in
Keywords: FLINT analysis, reading comprehension, teacher talk teaching reading comprehension


Teacher talk is important, not only as the object of the course, but also as the medium to achieve the teaching objective. Concisely, the organization and the goal of teaching in classroom are achieved through teacher talk. Therefore, this study aims to find out the teacher talks in teaching reading comprehension. The method applied in this study was qualitative approach and descriptive method. The subject of this research was the ninth grade teacher at SMPN 9 Banjarmasin. The data were collected through observing the teacher talks in teaching reading comprehension. Supporting data were also added from interviewing the teacher. In addition, audio visual-materials were used in observing and interviewing process. The data was analyzed using The Foreign Language Interaction Analysis (FLINT) model in Brown (2001). The result showed that the entire teacher talks categories appeared in this study, they were dealing with feeling, praising and encouraging, using ideas of students, repeating students verbatim, asking questions, giving information, correcting without rejection, giving directions, criticizing student behavior and student response. Hence, the category of teacher talks that did not appear in this study was joking. It is suggested that the teacher should apply more the use of students’ idea category that are found meaningful to the students reading comprehension activities in classroom. Teacher also needs to make some jokes. Therefore, the teaching and learning situation will not too tense. Finally, it is suggested for other researchers to conduct similar research about teacher talks with different research framework and model in order to find deeper data.

How to Cite
Arrumaisa, E., Rusmanayanti, A., Arapah, E., & Mu’in, F. (2019). THE TEACHER TALKS IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 1(1), 28-41. Retrieved from