Analysis of Teachers' Techniques in Teaching Speaking at Rumah Inggris Banjarmasin

  • Maria Ulfah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Nanik Mariani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Emma Rosana Febriyanti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Rumah Inggris Banjarmasin, Teaching Speaking, Techniques


The technique is one of the vital teaching aspects, particularly regarding teaching speaking. Techniques which can be utilized in teaching speaking are numerous, abundant, and varied, from discussions to game utilization. This study aimed to discover the techniques utilized by EFL teachers when teaching speaking at Rumah Inggris Banjarmasin. The analyst employed a descriptive method and qualitative approach. The chosen study samples were two teachers who taught in the public group. The public group is one of the available class types at Rumah Inggrris Banjarmasin, which encompasses students from various schools, thus they do not interact much and do not close with each other yet. This class comprises of 4-6 EFL students. The instruments implemented in this study were observation along interviews. The analyst conducted three steps in the data analysis, namely data reduction, data display, as well as conclusion drawing. From the steps which had been carried out, it was known that there are six techniques utilized by the study samples. Moreover, on data analysis, it was settled that the Rumah Inggris Banjarmasin’s teachers utilized six techniques when teaching speaking in public groups; discussion, story completion, brainstorming, drill, question and answer, and lastly, communication games. Those techniques utilized to aid them in teaching, have been adapted based on the subject matter. It was strongly suggested by the analyst that teachers should implement diverse techniques in carrying out the teaching-speaking process. Thus, the learning objectives could be successfully acquired and achieved.

How to Cite
Ulfah, M., Mariani, N., & Febriyanti, E. (2024). Analysis of Teachers’ Techniques in Teaching Speaking at Rumah Inggris Banjarmasin. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 5(4), 258 - 268. Retrieved from