English as Foreign Language Students Speaking Ability

  • Dewi Nor Oktaviani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Keywords: Speaking, Ability, Intermediate


This study intended to discover the EFL pupils’ skill in order to know their level of ability or even the problems then find the solutions for the problems. The importance of English matters because of today’s global era demand and also for the fact English is known to be universal language that is utilized in most all fields. In line with the matter mentioned, the analyst decided to study on EFL pupils’ of Advanced Speaking Class of ULM in year of academic of 2019/2020. The analyst utilized descriptive study with approach of quantitative study. After utilizing oral test as the instrument, the number of mean from the test done was 48.72 and 49.22 by two raters. The numbers is still on score range of 49 which according to ULM Classification Scoring is considered poor. It could be deduced that the Advanced Class’s learners speaking ability is on poor level.

How to Cite
Oktaviani, D. (2024). English as Foreign Language Students Speaking Ability. LINGUA EDUCATIA, 4(3), 151 - 160. Retrieved from